Published 12/02/2022 by Eric

After shoulder surgery or injury, how long do I have to wear this sling?The length of time you will need to wear a sling after shoulder surgery or injury will vary depending on the specific type of surgery or injury (continue...)

Published 11/26/2022 by Eric

One Study Shows That Anxiety and Depression Have An Effect On Shoulder Recovery A new study in The Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation researched what influence psychosocial factors such as anxiety and depression have on an outpatient’s recovery from (continue...)

Published 11/11/2022 by Eric

It's that time of year again, folks. Every winter there are countless shoulder injuries that occur due to shoveling snow. A common symptom of this is shoulder pain can be felt when lifting the shoulders up or reaching them back. (continue...)

Published 11/06/2022 by Eric

What stressors are making life difficult for Physical Therapists? High Cost of Education: If you’re a young physical therapist, the chances are you are carrying some heavy debt from your (at minimum) six years of college. That burden can be (continue...)

Published 11/03/2022 by Shelby

Radiation therapy is a common local treatment for breast cancer. While its beneficial effects have been found in the treatment of breast cancer itself, the potential long-term side effects deserve discussion; particularly those relating to possible onset of lymphedema and (continue...)

Published 11/03/2022 by Shelby

We’re visiting one of the classic tools used on RangeMaster: the pulleys! Pulleys promote what is called active assisted range of motion. This is the phase of training between passive range of motion (where the muscles are in a more relaxed (continue...)

Published 10/29/2022 by Eric

How Many People Does Shoulder Pain Effect? At any given time, 18-26% of the US population complains of having shoulder pain. This makes it one of the most prevalent problems for individuals, and as people age and begin to be (continue...)

Published 10/24/2022 by Eric

What Are the Benefits of Using a Shoulder Pulley? We get it, the simplicity of a shoulder pulley can seem deceiving to those who think intense physical therapy or surgery is the only possible solution for their shoulder pain problem. (continue...)

Published 10/22/2022 by Eric

Increased shoulder pain at night is a common phenomenon that many shoulder injury sufferers experience. Why does shoulder pain hurt worse at night? What can be done to alleviate shoulder pain and what causes shoulder pain to become more severe (continue...)

Published 10/22/2022 by Julie

Thank you again to all those who participated. We appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us and your peers! Please do not hesitate to comment below, we would love to receive more insight from you. This is an ever-evolving practice, (continue...)

Published 10/20/2022 by Eric

Do you ever find yourself in a state of pain, either from shoulder tension or headaches? If so, it is important to identify the cause and do what you can to remedy it. In this article, we will discuss how (continue...)

Published 10/20/2022 by Eric

Did you know that stressful events in life can actually cause shoulder pain?You may be wondering if shoulder pain can cause stress, or if stress can cause shoulder pain. Either way the answer is yes! Stress is a major factor (continue...)

Published 10/18/2022 by Shelby

If you’re looking to not only work on upper body strength, but also improve your posture, this is a great one! It’s super easy to do at home either on the floor or your bed. You can practice this with or (continue...)

Published 10/15/2022 by Eric

How Should We Treat Patients with Rotator Cuff Tears? When a patient approaches us with a rotator cuff tear, our default response should no longer be shoulder surgery.  Over 5.7 million people in the United States over the age of (continue...)

Published 10/14/2022 by Shelby

As lymphedema improves and becomes more stable, it is important to begin rehabbing shoulder function. A physical therapist or occupational therapist are common referral sources for treating shoulder dysfunction. It is an even better combination if you can work with (continue...)