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June 13, 2022
Author: Eric
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  • Top 3 Shoulder Pulley Exercises for Patients

Is it Possible to Reduce Shoulder Pain Without Physical Therapy?


There are five stretches you can do at home that will help you lessen shoulder pain and immobility.

Experiencing shoulder pain? There may be more you can do at home than you think. Sometimes all it takes are a few simple stretches that can get your shoulder back to 100% in no time. This week, Bob and Brad, the self-proclaimed “most famous physical therapists on the internet” are at it again with a great video showing how to do these exercises. Don’t let the wacky names fool you, done consistently, these stretches can be incredibly powerful.

Remember though, these stretches are meant to lessen pain, not increase it. If you feel pain in the shoulder at any point during these stretches, adjust the stretch to fit your needs or try something else for your shoulder.

Bob and Brad’s Stretches to Try at Home

Top 5 Types of Stretches

Stretch #1 The Pendulum

  1. Lean over a table and using your non-injured arm to brace you. Hang your injured arm relaxed to the side of the table/couch/chair etc.
  2. Use your body to gently swing the injured arm back and forth. This gains traction in the shoulder muscle. You can move the arm side to side or in circles
  3. Do this for about 30 seconds. It should feel good, not painful.

Stretch #2 Table Stretch

  1. Using a smooth surface like a table, fold a towel and place your hands on top of it.
  2. Slide your hands along the table. For the first few rounds, simply let your hands slide without adding pressure. After doing this a few times, add pressure, as if you’re trying to squeeze down on the table. This action helps put the shoulder back into its socket.

Stretch #3 Broomstick Stretch

  1. Use a broomstick, wooden dowel or shoulder wand to complete the shoulder extension.
  2. Hold the stick with two hands. Both of your palms should be facing toward you.
  3. Using a large sawing motion, gently guide the injured arm behind you. Make sure to breathe during this exercise. This exercise is meant to increase blood flow and circulation, not pain.

Stretch #4 Statue of Liberty

  1. Take a non-slip stick and hold it upright on the table with your injured arm.
  2. Hold as high as you can on the stick without pain. It should look like you’re reaching your hand above your head.
  3. With the stick on the table still, lean forward.

Stretch #5 The Chicken Wing

  1. Hold the stick behind your back. Your top hand should be above your head, palm facing away from you. Your injured arm will hold the stick behind your back, with your palm facing away from you. If you can’t reach the back of the stick because your shoulder hurts, you are not ready for this exercise and should stop immediately.
  2. Move the stick up and down your back to warm up.
  3. Next, try to move the stick over your shoulder. This creates the “chicken wing” type of motion. Do not go pas 90 degrees.

Use these RangeMaster® Products To Help Get Your Stretch On

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Whether you are pre- or post-op, the proven "shoulder pulley" method is the most affordable thing you can try to fix your shoulder. 

About the Author Eric

Eric is a marketing technician at RangeMaster and also a shoulder surgery warrior. A severe accident resulted in multiple surgeries and Eric’s recovery was aided in no small part to RangeMaster products. It was because of their amazing product that he could live independent from painkillers and do all the things he loved before the accident (which includes boxing). He lives in Washington with his wife and children, who are the light of his life.

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This website is intended to provide educational information only and should not be taken as medical advice. The information shared on this website is based on research, but is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. We recommend that you consult your healthcare provider for any specific questions or concerns you may have. The website does not accept responsibility for any harm that may occur from using the information given on this site. Speak to your medical provider about any health issues!

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