This week we’ll be looking at practicing shoulder external rotation while using the Shoulder Wand. While you can practice shoulder external rotation with the shoulder in various degrees of alignment, this week, we’ll be focusing on practicing with the shoulder at 0-degrees neutral alignment.
When beginning to re-introduce shoulder external rotation, starting at 0-degrees neutral alignment is a great beginning point. It doesn’t put a lot of stress on the shoulder, which is very important when re-introducing range of motion.
Practicing this in an upright position, such as sitting or standing, versus lying down, will challenge the shoulder complex to take a more active role in this motion. When lying on the back, the joints and soft tissues are more supported, tending to make things a bit easier.
If you have already been practicing this motion while lying down, then transitioning to an upright posture is the next perfect step.
Other than your Shoulder Wand, it helps to have a small towel roll to place between your upper arm and torso on the working side. This will provide good support for the shoulder and help to maintain a more consistent neutral shoulder alignment.
Ready… Set… Go!
Step 1: Starting Position:
Position yourself in an upright posture either seated or standing.
With the elbow bent 90-degrees, hold the curved end of the wand with the injured or tighter side so that the palm is facing inward and your thumb is pointing up.
The stronger arm can be positioned anywhere else along the wand.
Keep the elbow on the affected side tucked into your torso.
For increased comfort, you can position a rolled towel between the upper arm and torso for more support.
Brace the shoulder blades by squeezing them down and back.
Step 2: Shoulder External Rotation:
Allow the stronger arm to assist the opposite side as it pushes the forearm directly to the side.
Once you are at your tolerable end range, hold up to 5 seconds, then slowly return to your starting position.
Repeat 10x for 1-2 sets.
Easy enough!
Remember, if you have had a recent shoulder injury or surgery, don’t just take it upon yourself to begin practicing this motion. Make sure to discuss with your doctor/surgeon and rehab specialist to ensure it’s appropriate for you to begin practicing moving in this direction.
For a closer look at this exercise, check out the following demonstration:
Shoulder Wand Standing External Rotation 0 deg Neutral.mp4
Make sure to be gentle as you progress your range of motion. The name of the game is NOT “no pain, no gain.”