“Every week I find myself explaining to patients how both research and experience have proven that simple pulleys bring back shoulder range of motion quickly and less painful than any other exercise. Each week after just one or two sessions the once skeptical patients agree, more importantly they are pleased.”
-D Burich DPT
“I use your pulleys with all of my shoulder patients, be it fracture, weakness or rotator cuff problems. They are the best exercise for a shoulder because the patient controls the pull and the amount of time that they can tolerate. I have seen amazing progress with the use of the pulleys and the patients enjoy using them because they see the progress too. Thanks for making an affordable, quality piece of equipment.”
-P Ehrlich MS, OTR/L CHES
“In my 15 years of treating patients with shoulder pain as a physical therapist, I have found no more effective independent exercise for increasing shoulder ROM than overhead pulley. And given the reasonable cost of these units, it is a no-brainer to send anyone with ROM limitation, or even painful arcs home with these to speed up their pain relief as well as return to normal arthrokinematics.”
-E M. Connolly, PT, MSPT
Blackstone Valley Physical Therapy Services.
“In my practice, which focuses on cancer rehabilitation, especially breast cancer rehabilitation, I find shoulder pulleys useful and probably use them for 50% of this population in early intervention. In addition to the obvious physical benefits the pulley can provide, I find that the pulleys can help to “quiet the mind” by providing painless (and thoughtless) range of motion.This helps to empower the individual in their recovery, while minimizing the fear of movement.”
-A Ferguson, PT, DPT
“Yours is the only pulley system I recommend to my patients. Very solid product.”
-P Ames, PT, PhD, SCS