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November 19, 2020
Author: Eric
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  • How To Test For a Rotator Cuff Tear

What Can Cause A Rotator Cuff Tear?

There are two main causes for rotator cuff tears; injury and degeneration. An injury caused rotator cuff tear often occurs when someone falls and attempts to catch themselves with their arms. Degenerative tears are caused by the overuse of the shoulder. This is why rotator cuff tears are more common in the aging population.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Rotator Cuff Tear?

Rotator Cuff Tear Symptoms Include:

  • Pain when resting or at night, especially when your lying on the affected shoulder

  • Weakness when lifting the affected arm

  • Pain when lifting the affected arm or doing specific movements

How Do You Test For a Rotator Cuff Tear?

  1. Drop Arm Test

    To do this, reach the painful arm up to just below shoulder height with your thumb facing toward the ground. Next, have someone push on the top of your arm in an attempt to push it toward the ground. If the rotator cuff is torn, the arm will not be able to withstand the resistance and your arm will fall back toward the ground. You may not even be able to put your arm in the original position for the test, which is a definite sign of a rotator cuff tear.

  2. The Scratch Test

    To do this, you should try to touch the opposite shoulder blade by reaching over the top of the shoulder. This helps tests range of motion for abduction and external rotation. Next, you should try to touch the opposite shoulder blade by reaching down and across the middle of your back. This tests internal rotation and adduction ability. If this is difficult or you are unable to do one or either, this may be a sign of a rotator cuff tear.

  3. Infraspinatus/Teres Minor Examination

    While the name may sound complicated, this test is actually quite simple to do. Simply put both arms against your sides and with your hands in fists, lift your forearms so that they are at a 90 degree angle. Next, have someone put resistance against your arms as you try to push them outward. Those who struggle with this may have a rotator cuff tear.

What To Do Next

After performing these tests, you may come to the conclusion that you have a rotator cuff tear. The next step would be to go see your primary care physician or physical therapist for a proper diagnosis. After diagnosis, they may suggest at-home therapy or if the tear is severe enough, rotator cuff tear surgery. In both cases, shoulder pulleys are used after as part of a therapy regimen.

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DISCLAIMER: All content found on including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.


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About the Author Eric

Eric is a marketing technician at RangeMaster and also a shoulder surgery warrior. A severe accident resulted in multiple surgeries and Eric’s recovery was aided in no small part to RangeMaster products. It was because of their amazing product that he could live independent from painkillers and do all the things he loved before the accident (which includes boxing). He lives in Washington with his wife and children, who are the light of his life.

Medical Disclaimer

This website is intended to provide educational information only and should not be taken as medical advice. The information shared on this website is based on research, but is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. We recommend that you consult your healthcare provider for any specific questions or concerns you may have. The website does not accept responsibility for any harm that may occur from using the information given on this site. Speak to your medical provider about any health issues!

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