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January 18, 2022
Author: Eric
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  • FitRanger Full Body Band Workout

Band Row

10 repetitions for 3 sets (Light to medium resistance)

Set up: Connect handles to resistance band of choice.

Place the resistance band under the arches of your feet, stand shoulder width apart, and hold a handle in each hand with your palms facing each other.

Keeping your back straight, bend at your hips.

To start have your arms straight by your sides, then bring your hands up towards the sides of your chest with your elbows making a 90-degree angle and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and then slowly release back to the starting position.

Rest 10-20 seconds between the sets.

Bicep Curl

12 repetitions for 4 sets (light resistance)

Set up: Connect handles to resistance band of choice.

Place the resistance band under the arches of your feet, stand shoulder width apart, and hold a handle in each hand with your palms facing outwards.

Stand up straight, with your shoulders back and away from your ears, and engage your core.

Start with your hands by your sides and your palms facing out, slowly bring your hands up towards your shoulders, then slowly release your arms back down to the starting position.

Rest 10-20 seconds between the sets.

Band Romanian Dead Lift

10 repetitions per leg for 3 sets (medium resistance)

Set up: Attach one side of resistance band to the door anchor and place the door anchor below the last hinge on the hinge side of your door.

On the other side of the resistance band attach the ankle strap and then attach the strap to just above your ankle (don’t wrap it around your ankle bone) on one leg.

Step back from the door so that the resistance band is no longer slack.

Lean forward, hinging at your hips (pushing your hips backwards), as you do so bring your leg, with the ankle strap attached to it, behind you (Make sure to keep it straight).

Keep your back straight to maintain a neutral spine and have your gaze look down as you bend down so as to not strain your neck or back.

Keep your anchored leg strong and straight but don’t lock out your knee, keep a slight bend in it.

Bend forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. 

Then squeezing your glutes and hamstrings, engage your core, and push your hips forward to bring your body back to an upright standing position.

If you find yourself losing balance, place your hand on the wall next to you for support.

Finish your reps on that side and then move the ankle strap to the opposite leg.

Repeat on that opposite leg.

Rest 10-20 seconds between the sets.

Band Adductors

7 repetitions each leg for 4 sets (light resistance) 

Set up: Attach one side of resistance band to the door anchor and place the door anchor below the last hinge on the hinge side of your door.

On the other side of the resistance band attach the ankle strap and then attach the strap to just above your ankle (don’t wrap it around your ankle bone) on one leg.

Step back from the door so that the resistance band is no longer slack.

Stand perpendicular to the door and have your leg with the ankle strap be closest to the door.

Keep your leg without the strap firmly on the ground to support you, don’t lock out your knee.

Take your leg that is attached to the resistance band and cross it in front of your support leg as far as you can.

Slowly return it back to the starting position.

Finish your reps and then switch the strap to the opposite leg and repeat on that side.

Rest 10-20 seconds between the sets.

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About the Author Eric

Eric is a marketing technician at RangeMaster and also a shoulder surgery warrior. A severe accident resulted in multiple surgeries and Eric’s recovery was aided in no small part to RangeMaster products. It was because of their amazing product that he could live independent from painkillers and do all the things he loved before the accident (which includes boxing). He lives in Washington with his wife and children, who are the light of his life.

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This website is intended to provide educational information only and should not be taken as medical advice. The information shared on this website is based on research, but is not intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. We recommend that you consult your healthcare provider for any specific questions or concerns you may have. The website does not accept responsibility for any harm that may occur from using the information given on this site. Speak to your medical provider about any health issues!

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